Team 2 Greyscale

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Zeki provides actionable intelligence to governments, companies, and foundations on how top talent moves around the world, what motivates it, where to find it, and how to retain it. We analyse scientific talent. We do not recruit or place talent.

Our diverse team is drawn from government, academia, and the private sector. We have informed opinions and the data to discuss the state of play and future-focused perspectives on science and engineering talent in artificial intelligence, quantum, engineering biology, and life sciences.

Isabella and Zara Greyscale
Irene and David Greyscale
Team Greyscale

Company Overview

Founded in 2021, Zeki is a talent intelligence platform designed to propel global innovation forward by bringing transparency to the community of scientific talent. Our novel, data-driven approach empowers organisations and investors to identify and attract the brightest talent to their projects.

The key to Zeki’s work is novel technology. Our data-led approach to talent intelligence identifies, curates, and ranks the global cohort of the top-tier of talents to provide direct insights on their:

  • performance and potential
  • career positioning and network
  • reputation and influence

Our CEO and co-founder, Tom Hurd, was the Head of Intelligence Analysis in the UK before serving as Head of the UK’s Homeland Security department. He was also responsible for standing up the UK’s Joint Biosecurity Centre, a data-led organisation that brought data science and public health expertise together to spot earlier and more accurately COVID-19 outbreaks.


  • October 2021

    Co-Founded by Tom Hurd and Margaux Bergen, they serve as Zeki’s CEO and COO respectively.

  • November 2021

    Zeki begins operations and begins data gathering and core team hiring.

  • September 2022

    Proof of concept achieved through a joint project with the now U.K. Department for Science, Innovation and Technology. The project mapped trends in global talent in Quantum-related sciences.

  • May 2023

    Seed funding completed.

  • February 2024

    Release first Horizon Report: The State of AI Talent 2024.

  • March 2024

    Scheduled release of Horizon Report: Women in AI.

New Report:
State of AI Talent 2024

Zeki reveals how and why top AI scientists and engineers are on the move globally. The report delivers data-led insights based on 140,000 top AI scientists and engineers worldwide— all of whom have advanced skills and expertise and most of whom are in the early stages of their career.

Within this Zeki dataset, we celebrate talent from 94 countries educated or working at 2,296 universities or employed by over 20,000 companies or organisations globally.

Zeki State of AI Talent 2024 Report cover web

Zeki thought leaders

Thomas Hurd Zeki Profile
CEO & Founder


Tom served as the most senior Homeland Security Advisor to four British Home Secretaries. He led the UK's cross-government work countering state threats, cybercrime, money laundering, online harms, child sexual exploitation and terrorism. He also oversaw the domestic operations of the intelligence agencies, CT Police and the National Crime Agency. In his career, Tom also held senior analytical roles including responsibility for producing the Prime Minister's Daily Intelligence Brief and as a member of the UK’s Joint Intelligence Committee, the UK's most senior analytical body on national security issues. 
In his work, Tom has always championed the mastery of science and technology to achieve better operational outcomes. As a result, Tom was asked in mid-2020 to set up from scratch, and at pace, the UK’s Joint Biosecurity Centre, a data-led organisation that brought data science and public health expertise together in one place to spot earlier and more accurately outbreaks of COVID-19. 
He was appointed OBE by Her Majesty the Queen in 2011 and further honoured with a CB in 2020 for his services to national security. Read more about Tom's journey from government intelligence to co-founding a talent intelligence start-up.
Rachel Zeki Profile
Head of Data


Rachel is an accomplished product leader with a passion for developing and scaling Artificial Intelligence products. Her recent work in Conversational AI has focused on enabling large enterprises to optimise machine learning models. Her academic credentials include an MSc in Artificial Intelligence from the University of Sussex, an MBA from the University of Warwick, and an undergraduate degree in Psychology and Social Studies. Rachel’s MSc dissertation specialised in creating fair and transparent AI algorithms, a topic she is deeply passionate about. She is a keen advocate for Women in AI, organising events with speakers from top tech companies.
Media Topics: Bias and fairness in machine learning, machine learning models in production environments, psychology, product management, AI and machine learning strategy, agile methodologies, generative AI and LLMs.
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