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Zeki’s data and methodology

The intelligence behind Zeki’s innovator data

Zeki offers unique curated data on top individual innovators worldwide, at the forefront of creating the most transformative technologies of our generation. All our data is open-access, derived from 30,000 different sources. Our team of experts from the intelligence community use machine learning and bespoke verification tools to match the right data to the right individual to a very high degree of accuracy.

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What’s in Zeki’s innovator data?

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    One million top innovators working at 40,000+ companies globally across 90+ countries (outside China).

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    With a focus on AI, Quantum, Data Engineering, Semiconductors and Health Tech, and advanced skills working across 9,500+ areas of innovation in these fields.

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    8 Terabytes of data tracking back 10 years with 150+ datapoints on each individual that form the 20 scores that make up our explainable proprietary system.  

This comes together to make Zeki Human Capital Data. We aggregate our data, collected at the individual innovator level, to create data at a company level for 40,000+ companies. This includes additional indicators which describe a company’s innovation focus and momentum.

Access Zeki Data

We provide fast access to Zeki talent data at the company level through Snowflake marketplace, or deployed to cloud environments.

Find out more here

New Report:
State of AI Talent 2024

Zeki reveals how and why top AI scientists and engineers are on the move globally. The report delivers data-led insights based on 140,000 top AI scientists and engineers worldwide— all of whom have advanced skills and expertise and most of whom are in the early stages of their career.

Within this Zeki dataset, we celebrate talent from 94 countries educated or working at 2,296 universities or employed by over 20,000 companies or organisations globally.

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Zeki intelligence products


Human capital data and intelligence. Consume Zeki’s datasets to measure the value of an organisation’s innovative talent. We provide fast access to Zeki talent data at the company level through Snowflake marketplace, or deployed to preferred cloud environments.


Talent Acquisition. Our talent dataset is singularly unique. Find pre-qualified talent to augment and diversify your talent pipeline. Streamline due diligence on job applicants. We analyse. You recruit.