Ritvika Greyscale

Who we are

Established experts and rising stars of the science and engineering community.

We are building a new way to discover and forecast top global scientific talent. Looking beyond traditional academic metrics, we level the playing field for scientists and engineers worldwide by breaking down talent into multiple key performance indicators.

Learn more about our founding and discover the driving force and collection of minds that are behind Zeki.

James and Ferenc GreyscaleIsabella Greyscale
Tom and Margaux Greyscale

Work with our scientists and industry experts

To develop Zeki’s intelligence products , we’ve honed in on the global talent and expertise we need across three teams.


Made up of talented analysts and researchers from across the world, with scientific backgrounds ranging from bioengineering to cognitive science, our research team are data experts who bring our unique datasets to reality.


Our Data Engineering Team constructs robust pipelines, harmonising structured and unstructured data to create actionable insights. Their precision craftsmanship ensures solid decision-making, while their innovation drives cutting-edge technologies for a data-driven future.


With experience across government, academia, communications and more, our leadership team is well-equipped with industry knowledge to accelerate progress to recruiting and investing in global science talent.

Vision & Mission:


To find and place the best global talent at the centre of today's science to accelerate innovation.


Align the best young and emerging science and engineering talent to opportunities for employment or funding.

Core Values


We respect and include a diversity of talents and perspectives. The driving force behind starting Zeki was to create a more diverse science talent pipeline to solve the world's most challenging problems. We believe in leading by example, and we demonstrate our commitment to respect through our inclusive marketing, diverse workforce and giving our team the space to challenge concepts and equal opportunities for growth and advancement.


Transparency is the key to building trust and fostering understanding. We believe in being open and honest about what we do and how we operate. We are accessible to our clients and stakeholders, sharing information about our technology and business practices openly. With data as our primary medium, we understand the importance of transparency in handling it.


We are in the business of people and data. Both require a foundation of integrity. At our core, we believe in the purpose of our work and that integrity is the bedrock of any successful organisation. It means conducting business with unwavering honesty, ethics, and a steadfast commitment to doing what is right, even when nobody’s watching.


Novelty and challenging orthodoxy is at the heart of Zeki. We have a deep commitment to staying at the forefront of science talent discovery and continuously evolving to meet the needs of our clients. Our approach aims to transform recruitment and investment in science as well as bring more cutting-edge ideas to reality.

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