Zeki Discovery

Find pre-qualified talent to augment and diversify your talent pipeline. Streamline due diligence on job applicants.

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Zeki curates and scores data on individual science and engineering talent to give one comprehensive view and improve your talent acquisition.

The Zeki discovery tool gives an instant, tailored list of candidates based on individually scored, accurate, regularly updated data that can integrate into internal workflows. Our Discovery tool enables talent acquisition teams to:

Diversify their talent pipeline

We recognise that talent comes in many diverse forms and can be found anywhere in the globe. Our data and scores enable you to identify and connect with the best talent, regardless of where they come from.

Ensure high assurance of fit

Zeki reveals the skills, aptitude and progression of individual researchers, not just their academic record. Filter by qualities important to your values to find the ideal candidate that will fit into the team. 

Gain first mover advantage

Unlike traditional talent discovery methods that rely only on metrics like publications or grants, we consider each individual as a whole, which gives greater visibility to rising science stars. Finding the best, pre-qualified, emerging talent early, will enable your company to achieve first mover advantage in the global race to challenge and solve the most pressing scientific and engineering problems.

Reduce cost and time to hire

The Discovery tool streamlines the search process. You can filter by 20 indicators, making it simple for you to identify the talent you need, and the tool generates talent dashboards specific to your needs.

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About Zeki and our data

We bridge the gap between those seeking to identify talent and ideas to fund, and the scientists and companies searching for investment or their next impactful role. By focusing on future potential, we enable our clients to achieve first mover advantage on rising talent and drive better science forward, faster to pave the way for more diverse breakthroughs in key scientific disciplines. 

Our database is expansive to enable accurate mapping and scoring. Zeki has 2.5 terabytes of open-access data, that’s cleaned and matched using machine learning. In terms of industry, we have focussed on Artificial Intelligence, Quantum and Engineering Biology talent.

Ready for transformational change?

Zeki Horizons isn't just about fulfilling current talent needs; it's about safeguarding your future. Mitigate churn and secure your intellectual powerhouse with informed, data-driven strategies that align with your organisation’s goals.

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Zeki intelligence products


Market Analytics. Actionable intelligence reports on global scientific talent in deep technology fields including Artificial Intelligence, Quantum, Engineering Biology, and Life Sciences.


Brand Positioning. Data-led evaluation of your organisation’s market position, including your reputation and capacity to recruit and maintain top scientific and engineering talent--- and how your talent compares to competitors.  

New Report:
State of AI Talent 2024

Zeki reveals how and why top AI scientists and engineers are on the move globally. The report delivers data-led insights based on 140,000 top AI scientists and engineers worldwide— all of whom have advanced skills and expertise and most of whom are in the early stages of their career.

Within this Zeki dataset, we celebrate talent from 94 countries educated or working at 2,296 universities or employed by over 20,000 companies or organisations globally.

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